Becca Webster ~ ADVOCATE – Card #1

When you get to the advocacy center, you tell Jennifer what happened the night before with Chad and that you don’t feel safe at home because you think he might come back if he knows you are there. Jennifer offers you shelter and tells you that it is gated and locked. You decide to stay at the shelter, and she helps you make a safety plan to get some things from your house. She gets you a room in the shelter so you can have a safe place to stay for a while.

You don’t really want to stay at a shelter, but right now that sounds like the safest option. Jennifer tells you that once you settle in, the shelter advocate will talk with you further about the plans for the upcoming future – she thinks she will either talk to you tonight or tomorrow.

You go home and gather a suitcase of clothes and other things you will need for a few days and you head to the shelter.

What’s next?

Go to:

SHELTER – Card #1